Zveme Vás na další bleší trh, kde můžete nakoupit starožitné zboží:
nábytek, porcelán, sklo, keramiku, hodiny, sochy, obrazy, kuriozity. Dále zboží z 60.let "Brusel", vaše oblíbené retro, ale i běžné spotřební zboží do domácnosti jako sklo, porcelán, elektro, knihy, gramofonové desky, prostírání, atd.
We invite you to the next flea market where you can buy antique items: furniture, porcelain, glass, ceramics, clocks, sculptures, paintings, curiosities. Furthermore, goods from the 1960s "Brussels", your favorite retro, but even common household consumer goods such as glass, porcelain, electronics, books, gramophone records, placemats, etc.

We invite you to the next flea market where you can buy antique goods: furniture, porcelain, glass, ceramics, clocks, statues, paintings, curios. As well as goods from the 60s 'Brussels', your favorite retro, but also ordinary household consumer goods such as glass, porcelain, electronics, books, records, placemats, etc.

We invite you to the next flea market, where you can buy antique goods:
furniture, porcelain, glass, ceramics, clocks, statues, paintings, curiosities. As well as goods of 60. years of "Brussels" your favorite retro, but also normal excise goods in the household such as Glass, porcelain, Elektra, books, records, table linens, etc.