Guta pocházela z rodu Habsburků, narodila se v manželství pozdějšího ř翻訳 - Guta pocházela z rodu Habsburků, narodila se v manželství pozdějšího ř英語言う方法

Guta pocházela z rodu Habsburků, na

Guta pocházela z rodu Habsburků, narodila se v manželství pozdějšího římského krále Rudolfa I. a Gertrudy z Hohenbergu. Již jako tříletá se stala objektem politických plánů svého otce, když byla na koncilu v Lyonu (1274), zasnoubena stejně starému vnuku Karla z Anjou.[1] Není sice výslovně uvedeno, že se z šesti Rudolfových dcer jedná právě o Gutu, nicméně její zasnoubení dokazuje stručná zpráva v Basilejských análech a listina z 2. července 1275.[2]

Když Rudolf Habsburský v roce 1276 v rámci vídeňských mírových smluv s Přemyslem Otakarem II. sjednal, že se některá z jeho dcer (jméno nebylo uvedeno)[3] provdá za českého kralevice Václava, tehdy pětiletého, možná měl již tehdy na mysli Gutu, přestože byla stále oficiálně zasnoubena s Karlem Martelem.[4]

Jednalo se o plán na další výhodný sňatek, který Rudolf I. sjednal pro své děti. Ostatní dcery totiž rovněž provdal do různých mocných rodů a sňatková politika byla mimo jiné jednou z jeho opor při získávání spojenců proti českému králi.
Sňatek s Václavem II.

K formálnímu sňatku (zasnoubení) Václava a Guty došlo již roku 1279 v Jihlavě, druhý sňatek se uskutečnil počátkem roku 1285 v Chebu a nevěsta dostala jako věno „vévodství Rakouské od hranic moravských až k hranicím dunajským“ (Václav se ovšem nakonec těchto území nedočkal). Následovala slavnostní svatební noc, ale poté odvezl Rudolf svoji dospívající dceru nazpět do Německa. Prý kvůli hříchu, který ovládl pražský dvůr (měl tím na mysli nelegitimní soužití ovdovělé královny Kunhuty se Závišem z Falkenštejna). Ve skutečností tím držel Václava II. v šachu, protože bez manželky nemohl jako jediný žijící Přemyslovec zplodit legitimního dědice.
Na pražském dvoře
Náhrobek poslední dcery Guty († 1297) z Anežského kláštera, Lapidárium Národního muzea, Praha

Teprve když Václav II. ohlásil roku 1287 svoji královskou korunovaci (která se však tehdy neuskutečnila), přesídlila konečně v létě do Prahy i jeho choť Guta Habsburská. Kunhuta Uherská byla v té době již po smrti, a tak začala na Václavově dvoře brzy udávat tón právě mladá královna, podle zbraslavského kronikáře prý půvabná, vznešená a především nesmírně cudná a ctnostná paní.
„ ...paní tak vlídná, nedotknutá Zlem, čili Dobrá nebo Guta...Pro svoje vzácné chování byla vám dána za paní. A její vlídnost neustále oblažuje i pana krále. “
— Ulrich von Etzenbach[5]

Guta chovala stejně jako její otec velkou zášť k dobrodružnému Falkenštejnovi a patrně přispěla k tomu, že její choť přestal být otčímovi nakloněn a nakonec ho dal popravit. Guta byla především zastánkyní habsburských zájmů na pražském dvoře. Podporovala Václava v jeho zájmu o Polsko a byla také prostředníkem při urovnávání neshod mezi svým mužem a svým bratrem, pozdějším římskoněmeckým králem Albrechtem.

Teprve 2. června roku 1297 se v Praze uskutečnila již několikrát předtím plánovaná korunovace Václava II. na českého krále. Slavnost byla velkolepá, ale šestadvacetiletou královnu, která od nedávného (již devátého) porodu churavěla, okázalý obřad, při němž musela být obtížena skvostným šatem a honosnými korunovačními šperky, k smrti unavil. Dva týdny poté (v šestinedělí) zemřela, stejně jako předtím její poslední dcera Guta.

Během desetiletého manželského soužití s Václavem II. dala Guta Habsburská život deseti dětem[6]. Dospělého věku se dožili pouze druhorozený syn Václav III. (jeho sestra – dvojče Anežka zemřela), poslední přemyslovský král na českém trůně, a dcery Anna, Eliška a Markéta.

Neustálá těhotenství Gutu nesmírně vyčerpávala, poslední porod byl navíc patrně předčasný a měl přímý vliv na její předčasnou smrt.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Judith came from the family of Habsburg, born in marriage to the later Roman King Rudolph I and Gertrude of hohenberg. Already as a three-year became the object of her father's political plans, when she was at the Council of Lyon (1274), betrothed as old grandson of Charles of Anjou. [1] although not explicitly stated, that of the six daughters of Rudolfových is just about the Gutu, however her engagement proves a brief report in the annals of Basel and the Charter of the 2. July 1275. [2]When Rudolf of Habsburg in 1276 under the Vienna peace treaties with Otakar II. He arranged that one of his daughters (name not mentioned) [3] Czech Václav kralevice marry, then five, then maybe he was mean Gutu, although it was still officially betrothed with Karl Martelem. [4]It was a plan for more advantageous marriage to Rudolph I arranged for my children. The other daughters also to give to various powerful families and sňatková among other things, the policy was one of its mainstays in attracting allies against the King.The marriage of Václav II.The formal marriage (engagement) and was already in Guty 1279 in Jihlava, the second marriage took place in early 1285 in Cheb and the bride as a dowry "Duchy of Austria from the Moravian border to border the Danube" (eventually the territory there). This was followed by a festive wedding night, but then took his teenage daughter of Rudolf back to Germany. Apparently because of sin, which dominated the Prague Court (he meant an illegitimate coexistence widowed Queen Kunhuta, Závišem of the L). In fact by holding Václav II. in chess, because without a wife could not as the only living heir of the Přemyslid beget a legitimate.At Prague courtyardThe gravestone of the last daughters Guty (d. 1297), from St Agnes convent, Prague Lapidarium of the National Museum,When Wenceslaus II. reported to 1287 his royal coronation (which, however, was not at that time), she was finally in the summer to Prague and his wife Judith of Habsburg. Kunigunda was at that time already after death, and so began the Václavově yard soon set the tone just a young Queen, according to the chronicler zbraslavského said, the noble and above all extremely chaste and virtuous Lady."... Lady friendly, untouched for Evil, or Good, or Plywood. For your rare behavior was given for you Lady. And her gentleness and constantly puts Mr King. “— Ulrich von Etzenbach [5]Judith was acting as well as her father a great resentment to dobrodružnému Falkenštejnovi and probably contributed to the fact that her husband ceased to be a stepdad inclined and finally gave it to execute. Judith was a particular champion of the interests of Habsburg on the Prague Court. Support Vaclav in its interest of Poland, and was also a mediator in the settlement of disagreements between her husband and his brother, later římskoněmeckým King Albrecht.Only 2. June the year 1297 in Prague took place several times before the planned Coronation of Wenceslaus II. the Czech King. The ceremony was magnificent, but the Queen, who šestadvacetiletou from the recent (ninth), birth within me sick with the flashy ceremony, in which the obtížena šatem had to be great and sumptuous Crown jewelry, tired to death. Two weeks after she died (in the post-natal period), as well as before her last daughter Judith.During the 10-year marital cohabitation with Václav II. She gave Judith of Habsburg life ten children [6]. Adult age is reached only the second son of Wenceslaus III. (his sister-twin sister Agnes died), the last premyslid King on the Czech throne, and Anna's daughter, Eliška and Markéta.Continuing pregnancy Gutu extremely drained, last birth was probably premature and had a direct influence on its premature death.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Guta came from the House of Habsburg, born in wedlock later Roman King Rudolf I. and Gertrude of Hohenberg. As early as three years to become the object of political plans of his father when he was at the Council of Lyons (1274), betrothed same old grandson of Charles of Anjou. [1] Although it is not explicitly stated, that in six Rudolf's daughters is just about Gutu, but its Engagement proves brief report in the annals of Basel and the list of 2 July 1275. [2] When Rudolf von Habsburg in 1276 within the Viennese peace treaties with Premysl Otakar II. He arranged that one of his daughters (name not mentioned) [3] marries a Czech prince Wenceslas, where the five-year, maybe he was already thinking of Gutu, though it was still officially betrothed to Charles Martel. [4] This was the plan more advantageous marriage to Rudolf I. negotiated for their children. The other daughter is also married to a variety of powerful families and marriage policy, among others, one of its mainstays in gaining allies against the king of Bohemia. Marriage Vaclav II. The formal marriage (engagement) and Vaclav Guty had already occurred in 1279 in Jihlava, the second marriage held in early 1285 in Cheb and the bride was given as dowry "of the Duchy of Austria from the border to the borders of the Moravian Danube" (Vaclav However, eventually these territories forthcoming). Followed by a festive wedding night, but then Rudolf took his teenage daughter back to Germany. Apparently because of sin, which dominated the royal court (he had that in mind illegitimate cohabitation widowed queen Kunhuta to Záviš of Falkenstein). In fact, he held Wenceslas II. in chess, as he could without his wife as the only living Přemyslid beget legitimate heir. At the Prague court of last Tombstone daughters Guty († 1297) from St. Agnes Convent, Lapidary of the National Museum in Prague was only when Vaclav II. announced in 1287 his royal coronation (which, however, could not take place), moved last summer to Prague and his wife Guta Hapsburg. Kunhuta of Hungary at that time was already dead, and so began to Vaclav's yard soon set the tone just young queen, according to the Zbraslav chroniclers say graceful, noble and above all very chaste and virtuous lady. "Mrs. ... so sweet, untouched Evil, or Good or Guta ... For its rare behavior that was given to you for the lady. And her kindness constantly oblažuje and Mr. King. " - Ulrich von Etzenbach [5] Guta acted like her father, a big grudge against Falkenstein adventurous and probably contributed to the fact that her husband no longer be inclined stepfather and eventually put to death. Guta was primarily an advocate of Habsburg interests in the Prague court. Vaclav supported his interest in Poland and was also instrumental in the settlement of disagreements between her husband and his brother, the late King Albert římskoněmeckým. Only 2 June 1297 was held in Prague several times before the planned coronation of Wenceslas II. King of Bohemia. The ceremony was magnificent, but twenty-six queen who since the recent (now in its ninth) birth declining health, glamorous ceremony in which she had to be burdened with magnificent robes and sumptuous crown jewels, dead tired. Two weeks later (puerperal) died, as had her last daughter Guta. During the ten-marital cohabitation with Vaclav II. Guta Hapsburg gave life ten children [6]. Lived to adulthood, only the second son Vaclav III. (His sister - twin Agnes died), the last king Przemyslid on the Czech throne and daughter Anna, Elizabeth and Margaret. Ongoing pregnancy Gutu extremely exhausted, the last birth was also probably premature and had a direct impact on her untimely death.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Wholesale originated from the genus Habsburgs, she was born in marriage later Roman king Rudolf I. and Gertrude from hohenbergu. Already as a three-year it has become an object policy plans his father, when she was on Council in Lyon (1274 ), engaged as old grandson Charles of Anjou. (1 ) is not explicitly stated that from a six rudolfových daughters is the gutu,Nevertheless, her engagement shows a brief report in Basel annals and in the Charter of 2 July 1275.[2 )

Rudolf when set in the year 1276 under the Viennese peace treaties with Přemysl Otakar II. he negotiated, that some of his daughters (Name not mentioned) (3 ), wed a Czech carrying Wenceslas, then five-year, he might have already had in mind gutu,Although it was still officially engaged to be married to Karl martelem.(4 ),

This was the plan for the next convenient marriage, which Rudolf I. he negotiated for their children. The other daughter is also marry into the various genera and powerful sňatková policy was among other things one of its underpinnings in obtaining allies against Czech king.
marriage with Václav II

The formal marriage (engagement) Wenceslas and Guty was already in the year 1279 in Jihlava, second marriage took place early in the year 1285 in Cheb and the bride was given as a dowry "Austrian duchy from the border to the border Moravian dunajským" (Vaclav, of course in the end of this territory nothing). This was followed by a gala wedding night, but then took Rudolf my teenage daughter back to Germany.I hear about sin, who controlled Prague Court (he ought to have in mind an illegitimate cohabitation widowed queen Kunhuta závišem from the chateau). The fact that he was holding Wenceslas II in chess, because without a wife could not conceive Duke as the only living legitimate heir.
at Prague courtyard
headstone last daughters Guty († 1297) of at monastery, national museum collection of sculptures,Prague

only when Wenceslas II has already been reported in the year 1287 his royal coronation (which, at the time, however, was effected), finally relocated to Prague in the summer and his wife wholesale term. Listed Hungarian was at that time already after death, and so she began to take the lead just václavově yard soon young queen, by Petr chronicler says graceful,Noble and above all extremely chaste and virtuous lady.
" ... ma'am so gentle, untouched evil, so good or wholesale ... for his precious behavior was given to Mrs. Her kindness and constantly at the Mr. King. '
- Ulrich von etzenbach(5 )

wholesale acted like her father without a big hatred of falkenštejnovi and probably contributed to the factThat her husband ceased to be your stepfather inclined and finally get it executed. Wholesale was the champion Habsburg interests at the Prague courtyard. Support Wenceslas in his interest in Poland and was also an intermediary in resolving disagreements between my husband and his brother, later King římskoněmeckým houses.

2 only.June in the year 1297, took place in Prague several times before already planned coronation Wenceslas II. the Czech king. The ceremony was a grand, but old queen, which is in the recent (already on the ninth) childbirth churavěla, pompous ceremony, in which had to be magnificent with its coronation dress and jewelry, tired to death. Two weeks after (in puerperium) died,As he had before her last daughter wholesale.

during ten-year marital relationship with Václav II gave wholesale term life ten children (6 ). adult age lived only second son Wenceslaus III. (His twin Sister Agnes died), and the last the PÅ™emyslid king on the Czech throne, and daughter Anna, Eliska and Margarita.

constant pregnancy gutu extremely drained,Last delivery was appears premature and had a direct impact on her premature death.
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